Browsing Tag

Physical exercise

  • Saturday: Spin Class Workout!

    Hey everyone! I hope you are all having a good weekend!  Every Saturday morning I look forward to going to spin class with my hubby! We had a pretty challenging workout!…

  • Move-It Monday: What I did for My Workout!

    Hey Everyone! I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately asking what I do for my workouts so I thought I would just start posting them, as I do them each day!…

  • Squat Jump Out of that Workout Rut!

    Hi Everyone! Do you ever find yourself wondering “I workout regularly and eat pretty healthy, but I’m not seeing any changes in my body. What am I doing wrong? “ I’ve…

  • ☀ Rise & Run

    Hi Everyone! The weekend is here but don’t slip! You’ve got this! You will be doing your body a favor by aiming to wake up around the same time this weekend…

  • Staying Motivated!

    When it comes to working out, staying motivated can be challenging. I recently had one of those days when I felt like no matter how clean I’ve been eating or how…

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