What I’m All About I gain so much joy from fostering relationships with my clients and teaching them how to re-connect with their bodies through movement. I am a business owner,…
Chelsea Connors is a Certified Life Coach, Therapist and speaker using a holistic approach to mental and emotional well-being. She supports her clients in navigating the anxiety and stress that is…
It’s always my hope that even if you have a different story that you can hear parts of yourself in the conversations had here, and that you can walk away with…
In this weeks Liveng Proof Podcast episode I’m share a recent episode I recorded on my second podcast: Gal Pals. This was a very special conversation that invited me to dig…
Madison Morrigan is a 4x international award winning life coach, speaker, and creator of Awaken Her Soul, a 14 week mentorship program designed to help womxn embody their worth, power and…
In this episode I’m chatting with Tamara Braendle Onofre – a holistic health coach & personal trainer. Tamara is an advocate for a balanced lifestyle, health at every size, and eating…
Evie O’Conner is a trauma-informed yoga teacher and therapist in training. She is currently completing a Masters in the Clinical Mental Health program in Contemplative Psychotherapy and Buddhist Psychology. Her offerings…
Jill Zimmerman, DPT utilizes a movement based approach she unravels the layers of poor posture, dysfunctional breathing patterns, stress, and body mechanics to discover the underlying cause of aches and pains.…