Clean Spaces for Clear Vision

This is a bit different post than normal, but I believe  creating a space that promotes a clear mind is 100% necessary for a happy and healthy outlook 😉

From a young age I’ve always had an appreciation for clean spaces. When I was ten, I went to play at a friends house and I decided we would spend our play-day straightening and reorganizing her room (we remained friends for years). And like many people I appreciate the single plug required for my computer (wire clutter drives me nuts).

Despite my love of all things neat and orderly, those who know me will tell you that I don’t really maintain it. My husband describes me as the most “organized, disorganized person” he knows.

Honestly, sometimes life just gets too busy to keep it all perfectly organized. Trust me, I understand that. But today I just needed to quiet my mind. I needed a space that allowed me to feel calm, where I could reflect and center my thoughts. I was literally driving home from the gym and I started plotting this, assembling the pieces together while I payed the parking garage ticket.

Having a space where I can center myself is necessary for me. I actually had my husband build a standing desk – which I love!! But for some reason I found being productive while standing seriously challenging. It’s like I can only be productive physically while standing, but not mentally….? I don’t know maybe it’s just me. I just feel like when I’m sitting to think, I’m actually able to quiet my mind and accomplish whatever it is I’ve set out to do. And my new streamlined desk space just makes me smile with satisfaction (so pinteresty of me, I know). But in the end that’s all that counts AmIRight? The little things that make us smile.

What centers you? What helps you to feel more productive?


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  • Reply
    candies & crunches
    July 8, 2014 at 1:17 pm

    I love your little corner. It looks definitely cozy. And I’m certain that the scented candle can’t interfere with it either 🙂 I know what you mean. Very often when I can’t think properly, all I have to do is tidy up our house. Once everything is in place, it’s easier to think … and relax 🙂 xoxo

  • Reply
    July 10, 2014 at 11:08 am

    beautiful !

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