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Arms/ Shoulders

  • summer ARMS workout VIDEO!

      Hey Ladies! What’s the best summer accessory!? Sexy, sculpted arms!! Today’s NEW  summer ARMS Routine will leave you ready to rock tank tops, sleeveless dresses and your favorite bikini with ridiculous confidence! You’re…

  • ‘Crossfit Gym’ HIIT Circuit Workout

    How’s everyone doing this week!? Summer is right around the corner ☀ can you feel it!?! For me this means the months ahead are filled with weddings, birthdays, upcoming vacations to finish…

  • Up & Autumn Kettle Bell Workout

    I was inspired to create this particular workout after a serious lifting session with my friend Joe. Our workout that day included some pretty intense KB work and made me realize…

  • Bridal Prep: At-Home Arm Workout!

    In the past I never really gave my arms a second thought. Biceps curls were for meathead, right? I couldn’t have been more wrong, they make for nice sculpted and toned…

  • Summer Scorcher Workout!

    You guys are going to have to try this workout and let us know if it really is ridiculously hard or we just made the fatal mistake of doing it outdoors…

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