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30 – 45 min Workout

  • HIIT Bodyweight Booty Circuit: VIDEO!

    Ok guys new territory here! Made my first workout video…I’m no #janefonda but everyone’s gotta start somewhere right? PS where I’m standing in this pic is right below someone’s apartment…and they were…

  • AMRAP Workout | Plyo Intervals

    I jumped at the chance to try out the Nike Flyknit 5.0 this weekend. I’ve always had trouble finding shoes that fit my extremely pronated flat-feet. I remember my Mom taking…

  • Up & Autumn Kettle Bell Workout

    I was inspired to create this particular workout after a serious lifting session with my friend Joe. Our workout that day included some pretty intense KB work and made me realize…

  • Short-Shorts Thigh & Booty Sculpting Workout

    Spring’s almost here and we’ve had a few warm days down here in SC!  Try to look past my pasty white winter legs (they’ve gone far too long without a daily…

  • 40 Minute Fat Blasting Cardio-Strength Pyramid

    I don’t know about you guys, but I am starting to get cabin fever. I am SO ready for spring.  I’ve already caught myself going through the motions with my workouts.…

  • 30 Minute Total Body ♡ Interval Circuit

    I kind of just made this up one morning before I went to the gym, but I have to say it’s a definite keeper. For this particular interval workout, I wish…

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