Browsing Tag

how to achieve goals

  • 2014: Changing Your Focus!

    All throughout high school and college, I never could truly identify what I wanted; namely what or where I wanted to be. I never took the time to sit and actually…

  • How to be Liveng Proof!

    Staying focused this time of year can take some major dedication… Starbucks has all those decadent treats. Even our trusty Trader Joes & Whole Foods can’t claim complete innocence this time of…

  • Motivation ♡ Monday

      “The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you want it badly enough, there are no limits on what you can achieve .” – Brian Tracy…

  • Motivation Monday!

    When you take care of your body and challenge it physically, something magical happens. Knowing what your body can accomplish is empowering. Take pride in knowing what you are capable of!♡…

  • Make it Happen Captain: Live Your Dream!

    I DREAM BIG! I’m definitely an optimist, a major dreamer, always hopeful, anticipating the best… Of course the down side to this is that I may not always be the most…

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