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  • How To: Weekly Meal Planning & Prep

    The Menu & Grocery List: Plan and write down you meals & list: I don’t always do write out all my meals for the week anymore but if you are just…

  • You’re More Powerful Than You Think!

    I have lived in fear of power. The power of my own body and it’s physical abilities. The power of my voice and my opinion. The power of my decisions and…

  • I ♡ DIY: Pinterest-Inspired Mason Jar Storage

    What can I say I was inspired by Pinterest! I make things like my energy bites and protein date bars on the regular and I kept finding myself having to deal with a variety of powders,…

  • 2014: Changing Your Focus!

    All throughout high school and college, I never could truly identify what I wanted; namely what or where I wanted to be. I never took the time to sit and actually…

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