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  • Lululemon + Liveng Proof Bootcamp!

    Live in the Greenville, SC area?? Come join me at Lululemon for a free full-body workout to get a lean, toned body so you can look good in your lulu leggings.…

  • I’m a Fan Friday: Healthy Brands & Blogs ♡

    If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may have heard me mention a few of  these companies & brands before. Here are some of my absolute favorites! I am…

  • Cacoa & Coconut Protein Bites

    Tried a little something different and was pleasantly surprised with how these turned out! I basically doubled the amount of protein I typically use, but by the time I had finished…

  • Liveng Proof ♡ Nutrition Tips!

    September is here and I want you to stay motivated and on track! It’s what you do most of the time that’s important.  Here some of my healthy nutrition tips to…

  • Lean & Clean ♡ Cafe Latte!

    Mmmm this is seriously a new favorite! All because I had to get creative after I ran out of my regular unsweetened vanilla almond milk! I didn’t specify in the photo,…

  • Get Your Rear in Gear ♡ Smoothie Recipe

    Not  feeling your workout today, need an extra pre-workout kick? Or looking for something to re-energize your body post-workout? This smoothie is just the thing : ) I needed something that…

  • Energy Bites * Pre OR Post-Workout Snack!

    I love to make these over the weekend so that I can reach for them before my workouts during the week (if no one else gets to them first!). They really…

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