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  • At a Crossroads: Dirty Diets & Clean Eating

    IIFYM (If it fits your Macros). Whole30. Paleo. Gluten Free. Vegan. Vegetarian. Keto. Juice Cleanse. Clean eating. Clean food. Dirty Food. Just Eat Real Food (#jerf). You’ve probably heard of most…

  • Spice Up Your Life ~ I ❤ garlic & paprika

    I can’t believe I haven’t shared this with you guys yet! Those who know me, usually figure out pretty quickly that I’m somewhat of a “hummus junkie” This is definitely one…

  • The Scoop on Artificial Sweeteners!

    Hey Everyone! I apologize for the lag in posts! I was away last week on vacation : ) But while I was on the road we made stops at places like…

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