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  • I’m a Fan Friday: Healthy Brands & Blogs ♡

    If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may have heard me mention a few of  these companies & brands before. Here are some of my absolute favorites! I am…

  • Brussels Sprout Salad

    I had taken quite the hiatus from brussels sprouts but after hearing this idea from my friend I decided I’d pick me up some brussels sprouts and give it a try.…

  • Paleo Puteo Rican Plate

    Hey Everyone! As you may know I’m not a practicing paleo but I had to try making this dish after a friend described the ingredients to me! The recipe calls for…

  • At a Crossroads: Dirty Diets & Clean Eating

    IIFYM (If it fits your Macros). Whole30. Paleo. Gluten Free. Vegan. Vegetarian. Keto. Juice Cleanse. Clean eating. Clean food. Dirty Food. Just Eat Real Food (#jerf). You’ve probably heard of most…

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