LPP #122 Craniosacral Therapy, Holding Space for Healing, & Ecstatic Dance with Caitlin Schmitt

Caitlin Schmitt is a physical therapist, massage therapist, and craniosacral therapy practitioner in Durham, North Carolina. Her educational background includes a BA in Religious Philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley. The emphasis of her studies was the mind-body connection and the variety of spiritual practices and beliefs that relate to the body. 

In 2009, she earned her certification in Therapeutic Massage and Health Education from The National Holistic Institute in Emeryville, CA. She practiced massage for 6 years in California before her curiosity and passion for the complexity of the human body got the best of her and she earned her Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ in 2017. Her passion for craniosacral therapy began at her first course in 2011;  since then, she continues to take courses with the Upledger Institute to deepen her skills and practice of craniosacral therapy.

Currently, she works in a small private practice called The Wellness Station in Durham, NC alongside Paul McAndrew, a Feldenkreis practitioner and PT. Together, they create a supportive learning environment for their clients to develop awareness, curiosity, and intimacy with their body and how it moves. They are integrating evidence based principles of pain science with what we know about how the brain and body learn. Their approach to physical therapy blends the practical skills of mindful movement with self-compassion. They support this process with gentle therapeutic touch and their grounded, therapeutic presence.

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The path that lead her to where she is today

Her experience going to community college to pursue physical therapy

The truth about pursuing a dream + the “grunt” work that’s often required to get there

Why she decided to pursue PT with a focus on a neurological population

What ultimately lead her to become a cranial sacral practitioner

Her experience working in aquatic therapy

Her passion for working one-on-one with people in a safe & quiet environment

Craniosacral Therapy

The challenge of attempting to quantify intuition 

The disconnect of stressed out healthcare providers who sacrifice their own self care and the effects this has on the patients/clients they interact with and treat 

Her self-care practices 

What makes a space, safe

Intentionally creating a space where you can rest in your own home

Performance anxiety + ecstatic dance

Celebrating someone saying no to you “thank you for being so clear with me”

What happens when we aren’t given structure + norms

What’s going to happen if I’m not told what to do, or what to expect

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caitiejean_durham/

Instagram: @livengproof
Liveng Proof Podcast 


Here’s a good article from the NYT about Ecstatic Dance! https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/12/style/ecstatic-dance-nyc.html

Learn more about The Wellness Station: https://www.thewellnessstation.com

If people are seeking a certified craniosacral therapist in their area, this link has a button at the top of the page to search for one. It lists each practitioners courses completed at the institute and certifications.

This link to Caitlin’s ecstatic dance space & helpful background on the community / creation of  safe space!


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